History of Hartford
Established in 1881...
The first election held in the Town of Hartford was September 10, 1896. The following were elected to office: Charles Feyder-President; George Gover - Trustee; D.B. Oaks - Trustee; Nels Haugen - Clerk; H.D. Oaks - Treasurer; and Mat Becher - Assessor.
Today, Hartford is a progressive city with the quality of life and feeling of a small town community. Hartford is a wonderful place to call "home" and we have a lot to offer! Our city motto is "Live Lively". Please add us to your "favorites" on your computer and visit us often.
The City of Hartford, South Dakota is located just 10 minutes west of Sioux Falls. We are located off exit #387 or off exit #390 on Interstate 90. Our population is about 3359 people (2020 census). We have a volunteer fire department, law enforcement, churches, civic organizations, schools, parks, 18 hole golf course, swimming pool, banks, grocery store, convenience stores, health clinic, pharmacy, dentist, car wash, laundromat, restaurants and many other shopping stores to fulfill your needs. Hartford is a progressive and growing community.
HISTORY OF HARTFORD (and other history facts)
1862: County of Minnehaha established.
1867: The boundary lines of Hartford Township were surveyed and subdivided.
(1876 FACT: June 25. Battle of the Little Bighorn "Custer's Last Stand" in Montana Territory.)
1878: Oakesville first settled, named after E.I. Oakes.
1879: Worthington & Sioux Falls Railroad extended to Salem and the Oaksville depot was established as "Hartford".
1881: Railroad Company files a plat of eight blocks and settlement takes form of a village. A post office is established and A.F. Oaks is postmaster, succeeded by John Mundt. Stores, hotels, grain warehouses, and businesses began.
1896: The citizens of the village of Hartford petition the County Commissioners for an election to be incorporated as the "Town of Hartford". The election was held and the town was incorporated August 1, 1896. The town was divided into three districts and trustees were elected.