
SPRINKLER SYSTEMS:  Anyone who has a sprinkler system along the project streets should make arrangements to have their sprinkler heads removed up to 10 feet behind the curb.  Making sure that sprinkler systems are removed is the homeowner's responsibility.   The City will reimburse residents for any costs associated with the removal and reinstallation.

MAILBOXES:  During street construction, the City may need to erect temporary mailboxes for some residents.  You will be notified of the location of the temporary mailbox.  When the project is complete, the City will reset the posts and install your original mailbox.

WATER OFF:  There may be times that water will need to be shut off to perform work on water mains.  Every effort will be made to notify you the day before water is to be shut off.


Ordinance #602:  An Abandoned Vehicle is any vehicle that is left unattended or stored on any public property, used as a right of way including streets and alleys, for a continuous period of time of more than one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours in the same parking space. A continuous period of time shall be defined as leaving a vehicle in the same parking space or moving it less than twenty (20) feet away there from.

From October 16th through April 14th of each calendar year, a vehicle may not be stored on any public property used as a right of way, including streets and alleys, for any period of time of more then seventy-two (72) hours. 

From April 15th through October 15th of each calendar year, a vehicle may not be stored on any public property used as a right of way, including streets and alleys, for any period of time of more then seven (7) days.