Senior Citizens Center
Hartford Senior Citizens Center
119 N. Main Avenue
Hartford, SD 57033
119 N. Main Avenue
Hartford, SD 57033
phone: (605) 528-3999
email: seniorcitizencenter@hotmail.com
Hartford Senior Nutrition Meals
The Senior Nutrition Program is for individuals age 60 or older, their spouse, and/or dependent adult living with the eligible participant. Contact Rebecca at 605-333-3304 to sign up for Senior Nutrition Meals. Meals are provided by The Wooden Nickel in Crooks.
- CONGREGATE DINING: Congregate dining is offered at the Senior Citizens building in Hartford (119 N Main Ave).
- Congregate meals are offered Monday – Friday, serving time is at 11:30am.
- Sign up is required for the meal. Need to call by 1pm the day before the meal to sign up.
- Call 605-528-3999 to sign up for a meal. Leave a message if no answer.
- Home Delivered Meals: Home delivered meals are offered in Hartford and Humboldt Monday –Friday.
- Individuals receiving home delivered meals choose what days they would like to receive the meals.
- To sign up for home delivered meals, call 605-333-3304.
- When on home delivered meals, you need to call and cancel meals if you will be gone on your scheduled day(s). Call 605-528-3999 to cancel.
There are many other fun things to do at the Senior Center such as playing pool, playing cards, and watching television.