Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office


   Please remember to always lock your vehicles, garages and houses.  Do not leave valuables within plain site.


The City of Hartford contracts with the Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office for its police services.  The Hartford Deputy Sheriff is Damian Kardas.


* For emergencies, call 911.
* For City of Hartford non-emergencies, call 605-367-7000
* For Minnehaha County Sheriff's Office non-emergencies, call 605-367-7000. 
* For Crime Stoppers, call 605-367-7007 OR 1-877-367-7007

Peddlers are required to have a city license and a South Dakota tax license to sell to residential homes.  If they do not have both of these licenses, please call 911 to report them. 


You cannot drive your moped, 4-wheeler, scooter, go cart, etc. that is over 50CC's on city streets or right-of-ways, UNLESS

1)  the vehicle is licensed with the State of South Dakota;
2)  the operator has a valid driver's license;
3)  the vehicle is insured; and
4) all traffic regulations are followed. 

Golf carts may drive on city streets with the following provisions:
1)  operator has a valid driver's license;
2)  $20.00 annual city permit is required and shall be affixed to rear fender or bumper on golf cart;
3)  proof of insurance is provided at the time of obtaining the annual permit; and 
4) operation of golf cart permitted from dusk to dawn.  If operating after dusk, the golf cart must be equipped with operating head lights and tail lights.

Whenever there is a forecast or actual accumulation of new snowfall or blowing snow of two inches or more, there shall be no parking of any car, trailer, boat, camper or other vehicle on the streets until snow removal is complete.  Violators will be ticketed and towed. Please note:  Homeowners are responsible for cleaning snow around mailboxes and off sidewalks. 

The fine for an animal running at large is $50 for the first offense and $100 for each additional offense for the same animal.  The City of Hartford contracts with the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society for animal control needs.  Their phone number is 605-338-4441.

The city has four cat traps.  If you would like to borrow a cat trap, please call City Hall at 605-528-6187 or stop in and check one out.